Substance Use Disorder

As the House Energy and Commerce Committee works to reauthorize key programs within the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act of 2018, AHA June 14 encouraged its Subcommittee on Health to consider certain…
AHA comments to the CMS on Reauthorization of the SUPPORT Act.
While counseling and other services are an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan for opioid use disorder, the provision of medication should not be made contingent upon participation in such services, the Food and Drug Administration and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services…
AHA developed a suite of opioid stewardship strategies, guides and other resources to help hospitals and health systems address the growing epidemic.
For people struggling with opioid use disorder, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a crisis on top of a crisis. These tools and resources were developed to help your hospital or health system build or advance opioid stewardship during this critical time and beyond.
Mobilize community partnerships to develop and implement prevention, intervention, and treatment activities for opioid use and misuse. These resources can help.
You can develop a successful opioid stewardship practice. Use these resources to help recognize, prevent and treat opioid misuse and save lives.
Remove Stigma: Talk with Your Patients About Substance Use Disorder. CDC guide on addressing stigma and promoting open conversations. CDC 07/2022.
Nonprofit hospitals and health systems and other eligible entities can apply until April 14 for up to $2.5 million from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to support evidence-based interventions to prevent, diagnose and treat substance use disorders in primary care; and until April 21…
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued a report offering recommendations to address the opioid crisis and the role of analgesic oversight in preventing addiction, overdoses and deaths.