Regulatory Compliance

Patients should not wear face masks, such as surgical or non-surgical masks and respirators, with metal parts and coatings during a Magnetic Resonance Imaging exam, because they may become hot and burn the patient, the Food and Drug Administration reminded patients and health care providers.
The Internal Revenue Service released proposed regulations addressing the treatment of direct primary care arrangements, health care sharing ministry memberships and certain government-sponsored health care programs under section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The AHA, joined by three other national organizations representing hospitals and health systems, filed a reply brief in their lawsuit challenging a 2019 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services final rule mandating that hospitals disclose their privately negotiated rates with commercial health…
AHA General Counsel Melinda Hatton writes that recent suggestions by FTC officials that the agency intends to challenge every hospital merger in the pipeline and antipathy toward Certificates of Public Advantage are troubling on a number of levels.
The AHA this week encouraged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to standardize certain prior authorization processes to reduce administrative burden, and improve how it ensures that beneficiaries receive access to the services they need.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ final rule on the Medicare Conditions of Participation changes requirements that the agency identified as unnecessary, obsolete or excessively burdensome on health care providers and suppliers. The provisions take effect Nov. 29.