Quality Improvement Opportunities

CMS is accepting proposals through June 26 to participate in a Network of Quality Improvement and Innovation Contractors to support health care quality improvement efforts across settings and programs.
Augusta Health dramatically improved patient outcomes and reduced readmissions with its own automated sepsis surveillance system. When a patient’s condition triggers an alert, a secure text is sent to the ED charge nurse for immediate assessment. Click here to learn more.
According to AHRQ, an estimated 125,000 fewer patients died in the hospital and approximately $28 billion in health care costs were saved as a result of reductions in Hospital Acquired Conditions.
Committee on Performance Improvement Charge The Committee on Performance Improvement of the American Hospital Association will provide guidance to AHA’s strategy to support performance improvement across the membership, inclu
The American Hospital Association (AHA) has appointed RL Solutions, a global designer of health care quality and safety software, as the AHA Champion Sponsor for Quality.
Press Release The American Hospital Association Joins ABMS Multi-Speciality Portfolio Program The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has announced that the American Hospital Association (AHA) has joined the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio ProgramTM (Portfolio Program).
Align Hospitals, Physicians and other Clinical Providers Across the Continuum of Care Utilize Evidence-based Practices to Improve Quality and Patient Safety Improve Efficiency through Productivity and Financial Management Develop Integrated Information Systems This infographic highlights key…
Reducing Excess Days in Acute Care | Learn how hospitals can improve patient outcomes and financial outcomes by monitoring excess days, implementing best practices, and reducing readmissions.