Palliative Care

In 2012, CPI focused on approaches to managing life in the gap —the transition period between the first-curve and second-curve economic markets, specifically in advanced illness management (AIM).
Palliative care specializes in taking care of patients with serious illness and focuses on providing relief from symptoms, pain and stress in order to improve the quality of life for patients and their families.
Organization: Haslinger Family Pediatric Palliative Care Center at Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH Innovative highlights recognized were its expressive therapy center, focus on research and education and collaboration with other hospitals, hospices and medical school.
In 2006, Ascension Health, the nation's largest Catholic and nonprofit health care system, chose seven pilots site with established palliative care programs to test improvements. The goal of the initiative was to spread leading strategies across the continuum of care throughout the system. An…
The Respecting Choices' advance care planning program, developed in La Crosse, Wisconsin, is a multi-faceted approach that depends on the re-design of the health care system in 4 domains.
AIM focuses care on people with advanced illness, which often involves more than one chronic diagnosis such as cancer, heart failure, or dementia. Their general health is declining and their care needs are increasing, as are unwanted emergency visits and hospitalizations. AIM helps them anticipate…
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