Emergency Readiness

CMS published in the Dec. 27 Federal Register a proposed rule that would establish emergency preparedness conditions of participation (CoPs) and conditions for coverage (CfCs) that hospitals, critical access hospitals and 15 other provider and supplier types would have to meet in order to…
    Hospital Readiness
National Preparedness Month Information for Hospitals about Terrorist Use of Toxins and Poisons
Recommendations of the National Consensus Panel on
This Regulatory Advisory examines CMS' May 4 proposed rule to revise the Medicare and Medicaid Conditions of Participation \(CoP\) to require hospitals of all types to offer all inpatients and outpatients an annual influenza vaccination unless vaccination is medically contraindicated or the patient…
AHA Statement before the FCC's Joint Advisory Committee on Communications Capabilities of Emergency Medical and Public Health Care Facilities.
Resource LinksGOVERNMENT
Lessons LearnedScenario-BasedOSHA Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers of Victims, January 2005