ACA Individual Mandate Case (Texas v. California)

AHA provides in-depth coverage and analysis of the Supreme Court's 7-2 ruling on the ACA Individual Mandate Case (Texas v. California) and its impact on healthcare.

Individuals and states have tried — three times — to wipe the Affordable Care Act off the books. The Supreme Court — for the third time — rejected those efforts. In a lopsided 7-2 opinion, the Court held that individual plaintiffs and states seeking to strike down the Act lacked “standing,” or the…
The United States Supreme Court rejected the third major challenge to the Affordable Care Act, holding in a 7-2 decision that the challengers did not have “standing,” or the legal right to challenge the portions of the ACA they alleged were unconstitutional.
Statement on Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act from AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack.
The Supreme Court of the United States Nov. 10, 2020, heard oral arguments in the case of California v. Texas, in which those opposed to the Affordable Care Act contend that when Congress set the tax penalty for failing to purchase insurance at zero dollars, the ACA’s requirement that most…
AHA General Counsel Melinda Hatton interviews Cate Stetson, acclaimed advocate and leader of the appellate practice at Hogan Lovells, about the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy and what it means for the legal challenges facing the Affordable Care Act and other legal cases that matter to hospitals and…
The Department of Justice urged the Supreme Court to strike down the entirety of the Affordable Care Act, including its protections for pre-existing conditions and expansion of the Medicaid program.
More than 892,000 consumers in states using the platform gained 2020 coverage since the end of open enrollment through May by using a Special Enrollment Period, a 27% increase from the same period last year, according to a report released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid…
The AHA, joined by America’s Essential Hospitals, Association of American Medical Colleges, and Federation of American Hospitals urged the Supreme Court to reverse a federal appeals court decision that held the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate unconstitutional.
This brief1 is filed on behalf of 36 state hospital associations,2 which represent over 5,000 hospitals and health systems that treat tens of millions of patients every year and currently stand on the frontlines of a global pandemic. Amici and their members (hereafter “amici”) share an interest in…